active commuting
active commuting: cycling, walking, or running to and from work; such a daily routine provides a worker with the health benefits of physical exercise and lower transportation costs while benefiting the environment. *** TROVELOG *** Barely 3 [...]
elder concierge
elder concierge: a range of non-medical services for older people who are living independently; includes providing: companionship; transportation to recreation or medical appointments; and help with household tasks, travel plans. May also be referred to as [...]
third places
third places: neutral, convenient, and comfortable public venues (e.g., coffee shops, bars, hair salons, bookstores, parks) where people regularly gather for conversation and companionship (i.e., "first place" is home; "second place" is work). The term was [...]
biohackers: people who try to modify a biological system – a plant, another animal, or their own body. Includes: DIY genetic self-testing; novel diet or sleep regimens; or device implantation. *** TROVELOG *** biohacking: The activity of [...]
glamping: "glamorous" + "camping"; upscale or luxury outdoor camping, including comforts, amenities, and facilities (e.g., pre-pitched tents, beds, electricity, meal service), that are not associated with traditional camping. *** TROVELOG *** It isn’t much more than a [...]
range anxiety
range anxiety: the concern that the limited cruising distance of current electric cars -- and the lack of a charging infrastructure -- leaves drivers and passengers at risk of being stranded. *** TROVELOG *** The Bolt can [...]