
raw water

raw water: "natural water" – water that is unfiltered, untreated, and unsterilized; companies market and sell it to consumers in branded bottles or through home collection systems for homeowners.  *** TROVELOG *** The sale of "raw water" – water gathered from streams, rivers, lakes and other natural sources that is not subject to any filtering or sterilization [...]

slum tourism

slum tourism: the practice of local or visiting sightseers who pay for tours of sections of urban areas where there is extreme poverty, especially in cities in the developing world.  *** TROVELOG *** Manila is starkly representative of a global problem. According to the United Nations, about a quarter of the world’s urban population lives in slums—and this [...]


nodel: from "non-model" or "not a model; a "real-girl" model; a nonprofessional, nontraditional fashion model (e.g., a person who is plus-size, a celebrity, disabled, a friend of the designer, or invited from the street). *** TROVELOG *** A few days before Fashion Week began, the avant-garde label Eckhaus Latta held a casting call in a Chinatown basement [...]

elder concierge

elder concierge: a range of non-medical services for older people who are living independently; includes providing: companionship; transportation to recreation or medical appointments; and help with household tasks, travel plans. May also be referred to as "senior concierge" or "elder-to-elder peer care" services. *** TROVELOG *** AgeWell Global, based in Washington, D.C., is pioneering a model of elder-to-elder [...]

third places

third places: neutral, convenient, and comfortable public venues (e.g., coffee shops, bars, hair salons, bookstores, parks) where people regularly gather for conversation and companionship (i.e., "first place" is home; "second place" is work). The term was coined by urban sociologist Ray Oldenburg in his book, The Great Good Place. *** TROVELOG *** At issue, in essence, is whether [...]

range anxiety

range anxiety: the concern that the limited cruising distance of current electric cars -- and the lack of a charging infrastructure -- leaves drivers and passengers at risk of being stranded.  *** TROVELOG *** The Bolt can travel nearly 240 miles on a single charge, according to General Motors. The company claims some drivers have traveled 300 [...]

escape room

escape room: a space where a team of users pays fees to work through numerous clues, puzzles, lock combinations and stories to successfully solve or discover something in order to "escape" the room within a time limit. *** TROVELOG *** Up a flight of stairs in Seattle’s Belltown neighborhood, dozens or even hundreds of people a week [...]


esports: competitive multiplayer video game contests, typically where teams of professional gamers compete for monetary prizes in leagues and tournaments often held in arenas with live audiences and livestreaming to others. *** TROVELOG *** For gaming, this is a moment of convergence of trends. Professional esports leagues around games like League of Legends are growing more popular [...]

clean meat

clean meat (aka: cultured meat): meat grown in a lab from animal stem cells and cultivated into muscle tissue. It is genetically identical to meat obtained through conventional slaughtering. *** TROVELOG *** Just, the maker of Just Scram­ble, is grow­ing a va­ri­ety of test-tube meats. To do this, sci­en­tists ex­tract stem cells from an an­i­mal—such as a [...]

dockless bikes

dockless bikes: on-demand, shared bicycles accessed via an app and then unlocked with a code, allowing rides for an hourly fee. The locked bicycle is left anywhere in a public place. *** TROVELOG *** The Metropolitan Area Planning Council on Friday announced a new regional bike-share system, separate from the Hubway rental network, that will bring thousands [...]

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