
raw water

raw water: "natural water" – water that is unfiltered, untreated, and unsterilized; companies market and sell it to consumers in branded bottles or through home collection systems for homeowners.  *** TROVELOG *** The sale of "raw water" – water gathered from streams, rivers, lakes and other natural sources that is not subject to any filtering or sterilization [...]

invisible disability

invisible disability: any mental, physical or neurological condition where a person's impairment is not readily noticeable to others; aka "hidden disability." *** TROVELOG *** For 50 years, the now ubiquitous wheelchair graphic has signaled that there is a place – whether that is a restroom, an elevator, an entrance, an exit, a seating area, a parking spot [...]

active commuting

active commuting: cycling, walking, or running to and from work; such a daily routine provides a worker with the health benefits of physical exercise and lower transportation costs while benefiting the environment. *** TROVELOG *** Barely 3 percent of the American work force bikes or walks to work with any frequency, despite the obvious virtues: decreased risks [...]


biohackers: people who try to modify a biological system – a plant, another animal, or their own body. Includes: DIY genetic self-testing; novel diet or sleep regimens; or device implantation. *** TROVELOG *** biohacking: The activity of exploiting genetic material experimentally without regard to accepted ethical standards, or for criminal purposes. See definition at: Oxford Dictionaries: biohacking [...]

lunch shaming

lunch shaming: engaging in stigmatizing practices against children who have not paid for school meals whether that is by refusing to serve them hot meals, requiring them to do chores or wear some identifying stamp or wrist band. *** TROVELOG *** What is “lunch shaming?” It happens when a child can’t pay a school lunch bill. In Alabama, [...]

food desert

a low-income urban, suburban or rural area where there are limited vendors of fresh produce but often numerous fast-food outlets For cities, one particular problem is "food deserts" – low-income areas where the prevalent food options are chips and soda at corner stores instead of leafy green vegetables at supermarkets. See article at: CSM 14Feb11 - The rise of the [...]

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