
raw water

raw water: "natural water" – water that is unfiltered, untreated, and unsterilized; companies market and sell it to consumers in branded bottles or through home collection systems for homeowners.  *** TROVELOG *** The sale of "raw water" – water gathered from streams, rivers, lakes and other natural sources that is not subject to any filtering or sterilization [...]

black swan

black swan: the occurrence (or non-occurrence) of an event that: lies outside of the range of normal expectations; has an extreme impact; and only seems explainable and predictable in hindsight. #blackswan @nntaleb @journofletcher @jonsindreu A term coined by NYU professor, Nassim Nicholas Taleb. The reference is to the discovery of the first black swan after the [...]

service animal

service animal: an animal trained to perform specific tasks for a disabled person; not an "emotional support animal" (ESA), which is a pet that provides comfort or emotional support to the owner and may not be trained. *** TROVELOG *** It is estimated that service dogs have existed since around 13,000 B.C., for many purposes — performing [...]

information escrow

information escrow: a confidential allegation (e.g., re sexual harassment/ assault) transmitted to a secure, online site where it is time-stamped and held for possible future reporting to appropriate authorities. *** TROVELOG *** Callisto [is] an online nonprofit startup that seeks to leverage the power of tech to fight sexual harassment and assault. Using Callisto, a victim can [...]

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