
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): European Union (EU) data-privacy rules (effective 25May2018) providing individuals with more control of their personal data and strict rules on hosts or processors of such data. *** TROVELOG *** Companies will need to be more transparent about the management of employee data or risk getting caught on the wrong side of the [...]

going dark

going dark: the consequences of law enforcement’s inability to use traditional wiretaps and search warrants to access encrypted online communications in investigations of criminal and terrorism suspects. *** TROVELOG *** Federal law enforcement officials are renewing a push for a legal mandate that tech companies build tools into smartphones and other devices that would allow access to [...]

lunch shaming

lunch shaming: engaging in stigmatizing practices against children who have not paid for school meals whether that is by refusing to serve them hot meals, requiring them to do chores or wear some identifying stamp or wrist band. *** TROVELOG *** What is “lunch shaming?” It happens when a child can’t pay a school lunch bill. In Alabama, [...]

union workers

            11.9: The percentage of American workers in unions last year, the lowest proportion in more than 70 years, according to the government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. The number of workers in unions fell by 612,000 last year, to 14.7 million. About 20 percent of workers were in unions in 1983; the figure was [...]

grease payments

small payments that are made by a foreign company in some countries to facilitate the initiation of certain services.   The new [British] law, called the Bribery Act, takes effect in April [2011]. It resembles the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act [FCPA], which bars companies that trade on U.S. exchanges from bribing foreign government officials [...]

food desert

a low-income urban, suburban or rural area where there are limited vendors of fresh produce but often numerous fast-food outlets For cities, one particular problem is "food deserts" – low-income areas where the prevalent food options are chips and soda at corner stores instead of leafy green vegetables at supermarkets. See article at: CSM 14Feb11 - The rise of the [...]

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