

biohackers: people who try to modify a biological system – a plant, another animal, or their own body. Includes: DIY genetic self-testing; novel diet or sleep regimens; or device implantation. *** TROVELOG *** biohacking: The activity of exploiting genetic material experimentally without regard to accepted ethical standards, or for criminal purposes. See definition at: Oxford Dictionaries: biohacking [...]

clean meat

clean meat (aka: cultured meat): meat grown in a lab from animal stem cells and cultivated into muscle tissue. It is genetically identical to meat obtained through conventional slaughtering. *** TROVELOG *** Just, the maker of Just Scram­ble, is grow­ing a va­ri­ety of test-tube meats. To do this, sci­en­tists ex­tract stem cells from an an­i­mal—such as a [...]

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