
slum tourism

slum tourism: the practice of local or visiting sightseers who pay for tours of sections of urban areas where there is extreme poverty, especially in cities in the developing world.  *** TROVELOG *** Manila is starkly representative of a global problem. According to the United Nations, about a quarter of the world’s urban population lives in slums—and this [...]


gleaning: the practice of gathering unharvested produce that farmers or other landowners either neglected or intentionally left behind but is then available to feed the hungry. Referenced in several Old Testament passages. *** TROVELOG *** Two dozen gleaners—not to be confused with foragers or dumpster divers—showed up for the second annual International Gleaners Symposium, held recently at the [...]

clean meat

clean meat (aka: cultured meat): meat grown in a lab from animal stem cells and cultivated into muscle tissue. It is genetically identical to meat obtained through conventional slaughtering. *** TROVELOG *** Just, the maker of Just Scram­ble, is grow­ing a va­ri­ety of test-tube meats. To do this, sci­en­tists ex­tract stem cells from an an­i­mal—such as a [...]

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