
whisper network

whisper network: informal sharing of essential communal information, including warnings of egregious or illegal behavior (e.g., sexual harassment or assault). *** TROVELOG *** They called themselves the Glass Ceiling Club. A group of young and ambitious women in the 1990s from the investment bank Bear Stearns would gather at local restaurants every couple of months to discuss [...]

matrilineal advantage

matrilineal advantage: the likelihood that children will have a closer relationship to their maternal grandparents -- and especially to their maternal grandmother -- than to their paternal grandparents. *** TROVELOG *** But researchers exploring family affiliations point out that a so-called "matrilineal advantage" does exist. That is, daughters generally have closer ties to their own parents than [...]


kinkeeping: the activities a person uses to foster and maintain connections with and among many family members: visiting, emails, phone calls, sending gifts and cards, planning reunions, and mediating family disputes. *** TROVELOG *** But researchers exploring family affiliations point out that a so-called “matrilineal advantage” does exist. That is, daughters generally have closer ties to their own [...]

liar libel

liar libel: a defamation lawsuit by a plaintiff who claims the defendant's statement that the plaintiff lied about a material matter is an assertion of fact, not opinion. *** TROVELOG *** Before the #MeToo movement, libel lawsuits from people accused of lying were in decline. Indeed, a 2016 law review article chronicled what it called “the slow, quiet and [...]

information escrow

information escrow: a confidential allegation (e.g., re sexual harassment/ assault) transmitted to a secure, online site where it is time-stamped and held for possible future reporting to appropriate authorities. *** TROVELOG *** Callisto [is] an online nonprofit startup that seeks to leverage the power of tech to fight sexual harassment and assault. Using Callisto, a victim can [...]

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