
slum tourism

slum tourism: the practice of local or visiting sightseers who pay for tours of sections of urban areas where there is extreme poverty, especially in cities in the developing world.  *** TROVELOG *** Manila is starkly representative of a global problem. According to the United Nations, about a quarter of the world’s urban population lives in slums—and this [...]

service animal

service animal: an animal trained to perform specific tasks for a disabled person; not an "emotional support animal" (ESA), which is a pet that provides comfort or emotional support to the owner and may not be trained. *** TROVELOG *** It is estimated that service dogs have existed since around 13,000 B.C., for many purposes — performing [...]

accessory dwelling unit (ADU)/ granny flat

accessory dwelling unit (ADU)/ granny flat: small manufactured or custom-built residential structures located on the lot of a larger home. Used for family member residence or rental income. #accessorydwellingunit #ADU #grannyflat @pat_clark @Nbuhayar @nate_berg *** TROVELOG *** Alexis Rivas opens his Mac laptop and zooms in on a 3D rendering of a house in Echo Park, a [...]

ghost/ shadow inventory

homes financed by mortgage loans on which no payments are being made but have yet to be listed in a foreclosure sale.   [R]eal estate agents and mortgage brokers wary of optimism are focusing on a new term that has entered the housing lexicon: ghost inventory. Banks appear to be sitting on thousands of homes [...]

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