

biohackers: people who try to modify a biological system – a plant, another animal, or their own body. Includes: DIY genetic self-testing; novel diet or sleep regimens; or device implantation. *** TROVELOG *** biohacking: The activity of exploiting genetic material experimentally without regard to accepted ethical standards, or for criminal purposes. See definition at: Oxford Dictionaries: biohacking [...]

clean meat

clean meat (aka: cultured meat): meat grown in a lab from animal stem cells and cultivated into muscle tissue. It is genetically identical to meat obtained through conventional slaughtering. *** TROVELOG *** Just, the maker of Just Scram­ble, is grow­ing a va­ri­ety of test-tube meats. To do this, sci­en­tists ex­tract stem cells from an an­i­mal—such as a [...]

grapes/ sex

         For the last 8,000 years, the wine grape has had very little sex. This unnatural abstinence threatens to sap the grape’s genetic health and the future pleasure of millions of oenophiles. [Italics added.] . . . [M]erlot is intimately related to cabernet franc, which is a parent of cabernet sauvignon,  whose other [...]

heirloom foods

foods from plant varieties and animal breeds that have grown in popularity after a long, limited market presence     Roxbury Russet has a nutty flavor. Strawberry Chenango smells like roses. Cornish Gilliflower is reminiscent of clove.   Farmers and chefs treat them like fine wine, but these are apples— 'heritage" or "heirloom" varieties that [...]

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